America's News Magazines
- Log in using your 14-digit barcode.
- Click America's News Magazines to access more than 40 national magazines.
- NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, videos, maps and other useful content grouped under today's most important topics and themes. Click here for a helpful video about Special Reports
Chicago Community Collection
- Log in using your 14-digit barcode.
- Search dozens of local Chicago Metro news sources including text and image editions.
Chicago Sun-Times Collection
- Log in using your 14-digit barcode.
- Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
- Text edition from 1986-present; image edition from 2018-present.
Daily Herald Collection
- Log in using your 14-digit barcode.
- Full text articles, 1995-present
- Access the archives, including obituaries, for free with your Winfield Library card.
- Access to the DuPage County image edition is now included.
The New York Times Web-Based Edition
- Get the same experience as a New York Times online subscriber with your Winfield Library card.
- To access The New York Times from home:
- Click here to access the New York Times.
- You'll be taken to a site with a unique code. Click "Redeem." (Write down this code if you would prefer to use the NYT app instead of a web browser. You can log in there with this code for 24 hours.)
- Next, create a NYT account.
- You will be notified that your access will last 24 hours. You can log in again after that 24 hour period using this same procedure.
- To access The New York Times using a library computer or our wi-fi:
- Register or log in at
- Enjoy unlimited access on any library computer or a device connected to our wi-fi.
Image Edition
- To access the image edition, laid out the same as the print edition, you may log in to PressReader. Instructions are below.
*As of late April 2024, PressReader and The Chicago Tribune are in a contract dispute that affects availability of the Tribune. We hope access will be restored, but unfortunately, there is no estimated date for restoration of the Tribune onto PressReader. (5/23/2024)
- Unlimited digital access to more than 2,000 newspapers and 3,000 magazines in 60 languages with your Winfield Library card.
- PressReader includes USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, and more.
- Click here to login to PressReader now. When clicking the Sign In button, be sure to choose "Library or Group," then log in using your 14-digit library barcode. Your PIN is the same password you use for the library catalog.
- PressReader will log you in for a 30 day window, at which time, you will need to log in again. Be sure to choose "Library or Group" each time you log in.