Winfield Community Blood Drive
Tuesday, February 25, 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a community blood drive with Versiti Blood Systems. Each unit of blood
given saves three lives! Anyone who weighs at least 110 pounds and has not given
blood in the past 56 days is eligible. Donors must be at least 17 years old or 16 with
parental consent. Please eat a nourishing meal and drink plenty of water before donating. Appointments are recommended, but walk-in donors are allowed. Please schedule an appointment with Versiti. |
Tax Resources
Limited tax forms will be available at the library this tax season. Tax forms are located on the second floor at the top of the stairs, near the circulation desk. We do not expect to receive any other forms besides those listed below. You may print other forms as needed from the library's computers.
The library has received the following forms:
- Federal 1040 and 1040SR Forms and Instructions
- Illinois 1040 Forms and Instructions
- Illinois Schedule IL-E/EITC Forms and Instructions
- Illinois Schedule ECR Forms and Instructions
- Illinois Schedule IL-WIT Forms and Instructions
Internal Revenue Service |
IRS Regional Offices |
Illinois Department of Revenue |
IDOR Regional Offices |
Reading Is Silver: Celebrating a Quarter Century of Books
January 2 - February 28
Participate in our virtual adult winter reading program by logging six books to complete the program. Participants can also write reviews of their books. Everyone who completes the program is automatically entered into a drawing to win one of two $25 Amazon Gift Cards. Use the same login information from our summer program or register for the first time on our READ Squared platform. Log in to READsquared here. |
New! BookBrowse for Libraries
Find your next great read with this interactive magazine for booklovers! Log in here with your library card number.
- Resources for book clubs including recommended reads by theme, reading guides & online book club discussions.
- Reviews, excerpts, recommendations and excerpts.
- Browsing by genre, time period, geographical setting and theme.
- Handpicked "If you like this, try these" recommendations for thousands of authors and books
Events Calendar & Program Registration
Events are clearly labeled on the calendar view as Registration Open, Registration Full,
or Waiting List Open. You can also see how many seats are still available for each event requiring registration. Events are color-coded: dark blue for adults, green for teens, purple for children, and light blue for all ages. |
Stay Linked to the Library with our eNewsletter
Stay up-to-date on all library events and news by signing up for our Library Link eNewsletters. Choose All Events, Children’s Events and/or Adult Events. Sign up here for the library's digital newsletter. |